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To Provide the perfect platform for the students to showcase their talents and their passion in the field of Technical, Cultural & Sports. The following are some of the events conducted at campus in the motto of promoting Technology, Scientific Thinking & Innovation 


An Internal Sports Fest in the month of AUG


The meaning of a game is not winning medals it is winning oneself. The activities in this event help the students to identify their

core competencies and to excel in that area. 

All kind of Sports, athletic competition  and Indoor games are part of this event with minimum participation of 2000 students

An internal Traditional Fest in the month of JAN

It  is the most colourful and grandiose event of Pydah group. Each department competes in creating a village environment. The main attractions of the events are Traditional Ramp Walk, traditional foods and rangoli.


This is one great way to keep alive our beautiful native traditions among the younger folks


A Cultural Fest & Most Awaited event for the students to celebrate. The day starts with colourful & astonishing performances and ends with a DJ at night.

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