Pydah College Of Engineering
Kakinada | Andhra Pradesh | INDIA
An Autonomous Institution
What is LAS?
Our English Language Club LAS – (Learn and share) is a place for language learners like you to improve your English Language skills by practicing with other English learners or English speakers in a casual setting. LAS make a great way to make English-speaking friends. It is important to have good English-speaking friends because your confidence will increase if you do. You will feel more comfortable using English around people you trust and have fun with. The interesting and learner oriented activities that are conducted LAS also help the learners practice English in more real-life situations to increase their desire and enthusiasm to practice and learn on their own.
Advisory Faculty - Mr. J.KRISHNARAO (Asst.Prof.&TPO), HBS Dept
Team Leaders - Mr.N.Naveen (B.Tech Agri-III-I SEM) 166T1A3542
Mr.Sashank(B.Tech Dairy-I-I SEM)
Mr.M.Tarun (B.Tech Agri-I-I SEM) 166T1A3533
Reading Sessions
Vocabulary activities
Role plays
JAM Sessions
Listening Activities
story narration
Viewing and Discussion of Films in English
Poetry and songs
Topical Lessons
Group Discussions